Benefits of breast feeding
Benefits of breast feeding
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Benefits of breast feeding
Breastfeeding can be defined as feeding a young child or infant using breast milk which comes directly from a woman’s breast. Breast feeding of young ones is in a very wide range and it has both merits and demerits of its own. What is learnt in the article is about breastfeeding mothers is who have poor fulfillment with the recommendations on breastfeeding which calls for extra cost is related to infant mortality and mobility as comprehensively analyzed by economists. According to authors Mellissa Bartick a medical doctor of Harvard School of Medical science and Arnold Reinhold, of Alliance for Prudent Use of the Antibiotics in Boston, If only 90% of the new mothers could follow guidelines in the first six months of through breastfeeding of their children more than 911 deaths will be prevented daily. In addition to that 741 deaths could be prevented annually also saving $10.5 billion when only 80 percent of breastfeeding mothers could adhere to the guidelines as reported by pediatrics.
The impact on breastfeeding women appear to be sleeping long is not correct. Study shows that they get enough sleep as the ones using bottle milk. Furthermore research shows that number of the pediatric diseases such as sudden infant death (SIDS) type 1 diabetes, asthma, pneumonia, middle ear infection and eczema can be protected from a child through breastfeeding which is very effective. Due to the myth that breastfeeding mothers don’t get enough sleep has contributed to them avoiding it thinking that it will contribute in contracting postpartum depression. Through breastfeeding the mother and child benefit in the association. There is greater immune to the Childs health whereby the antibodies pass from the mother to the child and is one most significant characteristic of colostrums. When we compare the child who is breast fed and the infant who is not breastfed we find that the breast fed one has fewer risks to infections than the one who is not breast fed.
Breastfeeding mothers with difficulties like hardening of breast are advised to breast feed their infants to help them empty thus making them free from the hardening. In mother to child bonding breastfeeding plays a big role and it acts as food to infants or babies. In many occasions breastfeeding can reduce the developing infections risk whereby antibodies are passed through the milk with proteins from the mother to the baby protecting it from diseases and infections. There is a balanced nutrient from mother’s milk that benefit the child and helping it grow being a strong and fit child. When babies staying with there mothers who are often quickly in early feed cues of the infants and nursing their babies in time avoiding engorgement to occur. In addition to that the physical contact with the mother allows the temperature of the baby and its heart beat rate with respirations became more stable according to Moore, Anderson, Hepworth, & Bergman 2003.
When a mother breastfeed there is balanced nutrients a baby gets from her making the baby out of risks from any type of diseases that may affect it during childhood or in adult stages for the strong antibodies which remain in the baby thought its life.
Its also cheaper to breastfeed than to buy bottle milk whereby a breastfeeding mother uses the natural milk avoiding the cost of buying milk and preserving for the baby which requires extra budget for money, furthermore bottle milk can contain bacteria’s when the storage is poor and by these the infant is exposed dangers of getting infected.
To the breastfeeding mothers it has severally helped them in many ways for example it contributes in reducing different type of cancers the mother is vulnerable to contract like ovarian, breast, cervical and also endometrial ones with risk of having anemia being reduced to.
Hip fracture and osteoporosis has been a common disease to mothers who deliver or give birth, the best ways used by professionals in dealing with it is to advice them to breastfeed and it has worked reducing the case to most of the breastfeeding mothers.
Mortality of women who have rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is always associated with the total time a mother uses in breastfeeding the baby and it is advised to ensure that the period is observed and during that period he should be seen the doctor for advice. But the best way to avoid this risk is by breastfeeding.
By breastfeeding the baby the mother’s body is goes back to its earlier state of pre-pregnancy and it promotes weight loss whereby half of calories required in manufacturing milk being pulled from storages of fats burning 500- 1500 calories per day. Through these there are delays in the return to fertility thus spacing subsequent pregnancies.
In the community breastfeeding helps in reduction of cost of healthcare through promotion of healthier children and the mothers in that there is less cost of taking care of there health and spending much due to the ability of the mother and infant to be healthy. Also the buying of bottle milk is extra cost unlike breastfeeding these allows the family to spend less thus promoting the community also. Furthermore it helps in reducing insurance premiums for the parents and employers as in they save when they are not vulnerable to diseases they don’t spend much on insuring the mother and the infant.
With the community breastfeeding there is reduction in global pollution through decreasing in the use of funds with energy needed to process, produce, distribute, package, promoting and disposing materials which are created by manufacturer and also usage of artificial milk for the baby.
The community and government experience reduced tax burden that ensure proper feeding of babies boosting economic status of the community. Also there is decrease in absenteeism in workplaces which are caused by infant’s illnesses.
In addition to that breastfeeding helps the mother to feel good because hormones produced in the nursing duration have an endorphin effects giving out relaxed feeling to the mother allowing her to enjoy and bond with the infant thus recovering from the loss of weight and blood.
It also makes the breastfeeding mother’s work easier whereby the mother should not worry of preparing food or buying it because it is readily available for the child and fewer efforts are required to attend to the infant whenever food is needed and in the case like travelling the milk is always available in right temperature and sterile which is convenient to the baby safety. The mother uses less effort to calm the crying infant through breast milk by these less effort is required.
In emergency time breastfeeding mothers are supposed to worry not because the milk is readily available for the infant.
To conclude the milk from mothers is the best and has many advantages to both the infant and mother also the community benefit by saving thus minimization of infant deaths thus boosting healthier community. The healthcare costs are less and that also makes it better way of saving resources in the community. Furthermore it is the best food to the infants for it contains balanced nutrients to the diet of the baby which fights diseases. It is recommended as the best way of feeding children and it is safe.
INFACT Canada. (2006). Breastfeeding and Food Security: The High Cost of Infant Formula.” Retrieved from
American infants.(2004). Benefits of breastfeeding:
Retrieved from
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