Changes in chinese culture due to international trade and commerce
Changes in Chinese Culture due to International Trade and Commerce
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Changes in Chinese Culture due to International Trade and Commerce
The core concern of this paper is to look into all those aspects and factors that have affected the Chinese Culture and changed it to a great extent. With the expansion of trade and commerce on International basis, China has come up as the most promising ground for foreign trade and commerce. This aspect though has supported the country in gaining international recognition and stabilizing its economy, yet there are some adverse affects of these expansions and these are all about mixture of western culture into the Chinese culture.
Thesis Statement
This thesis is an interpretation about the current Chinese culture and its admixture with the western culture. The paper tries to justify the ways through which the western culture is getting into Chinese day to day life and creating room for it. The thesis is about-
Changes in Chinese Culture due to International Trade and Commerce
Purpose of the Study
Under this statement the paper will look into all those criteria that have been adapted by Chinese culture to fit into the international competitive market. The Chinese culture is an age old culture and has got strong roots. However, to meet the demands of its population and to get stronger economic status it has indulge itself into the trends of Western culture. As a result the current Chinese culture is getting more into Western believes and is losing its grip over its traditional believes and trends.
Literature Review
In order to get a correct perception of Chinese culture, I have studied all kinds of literatures that are related to Chinese culture and the modes of expanding International trade and commerce. The literatures are all collected from the local academic library and are comprised of various journal article and books. I have also collected articles, blogs and data from internet. In the process, I have selected some texts that have got relevance to the base of my study.
By means of reading Mente (2000), I have collected all those aspects of Chinese culture that are integral in giving Chinese culture its universal identity. Through this book I have collected information about the developmental and psychological structure of Chinese population. Further by reading Alon (2003), I have achieved understanding about the modes and trends of trading followed by China. This book highlighted the aspects of organizational behavior and practices followed in China and offered me with the ground of comparing the current business trends in China under the influence of Western Culture. Influences of free trade and mass media in changing traditional Chinese culture has been investigated by the readings of McAnany, and Wilkinson (edts. 1997). Role of China as business emperor in international competitive market has been added to the paper by Haley, et al (2009). The purpose here is to see the ways through which China is actually trying to rule the international business line. On the other hand these proceedings also look into all those means that are compelling China to change it traditional business behaviours and provisions.
As this thesis is more about the psychological, behavioural and communicative ways of human culture in China, the methodology selected for the purpose if qualitative research methodology. The qualitative research methodology is all about collecting in-depth understanding about thematic aspects of human behaviour. It is the means to investigate the reasons that are subject to govern the human behaviour as per the changing trends and cultural impacts (Denzinn and Lincoln, edts. 2007).
By means of qualitative research methodology the research initiates two kinds of sources. The first is the secondary source that comprises of all those literatures that offer the grounds for understanding the thesis statement and gives an insight into the objectives and purpose of the study. The second kind is the primary source. Under the primary source some people are selected and were asked to answer some pre determined questions about the thesis statement. This source comprise of questionnaire distribution among all those people who have seen the changes in Chinese culture in past few decades and can well comment on it. Followed by the ways of collecting data by questionnaire is the session for few interviews. These interviews are conducted with those people who are into the management structure of expanding market and business. These people were interrogated about the ways through which they get into the Chinese market and apply formulations like marketing mix, as per the culture of the country. Under qualitative formulation all the data are collected from primary and secondary sources and are systematically arranged to derive respective results about the thesis statements.
The results collected through primary and the secondary sources under qualitative research methodology are very much in favour of the thesis statements. The data from the questionnaires and the interviews were very clear about the changes that are getting into the Chinese culture. People also declared that there are lots of other cultures that are getting into the urban sector of the country and are directly influencing the traditional and cultural believes of people. Though these people accepted the fact that international trade has added enormous scopes of developments t them, yet these aspects are also directly influencing the traditional Chinese culture. Changes are getting obvious more in urban sectors, especially due to the western dominance over the market. The British and American cultures are getting hold of the Chinese population and people are accepting these changes more comfortably.
The results also show that the current Chinese culture is also expanding worldwide its cuisines and fashion has expanded through all the boundaries of the world. On the one hand though the traditional Chinese culture is changing in house, it is establishing its firm identity in all the other countries. People in Europe and America are much fond of Chinese lifestyles and cuisines and are very easily adopting the same. Even the religious believes and cultural trends are gaining expansion in rapid pace. At this particular point the research restricts itself to the changes that are actually happening in China. Since the expansion of the Chinese culture over other countries will lead the paper to some other aspects, I felt it important to restrict itself to the mainland.
All the data collected through qualitative research methodology seemed to be very appropriate for this study. The result shows that Chinese culture has adopted various other cultures in the past decades. However, the influence of Western culture seems to be predominant over Chinese traditional culture. People in China are trying to earn more and thus to get into the trends of western companies, they are adopting their styles. China also has got a big market in outsourcing and free trade with western countries. As a result to meet their marketing demands most of the Chinese people are trying to be a part of western culture. They rather seemed more comfortable by adopting western culture. In the process these people are randomly ignoring their Chinese traditional culture. This is something that id pushing Chinese culture to darker alleys.
The limitations faced by this research are its expanded mode of investigating a wider context. To understand all kinds of changes in Chinese traditional culture expands the thesis to much broader aspect. It is therefore important for me to restrict the research by concentrating on any two kinds of changes that have taken place in China. For this purpose I would like to choose the telecommunication and the educational system in China. These are the sectors that have faced enormous changes in both positive and negative ways, to meet the international trade and commerce. These sectors will be studied to offer more analytical perspective to the study.
Moreover, the research has been limited to very few people. As I chose to distribute the questionnaire among 50 people and to interview 4 people about the thesis statement, I limit its possibilities that can be seen if the data get collected from 1000s of people from different cultural backgrounds.
Eventually it can be concluded that Chinese culture is expanding worldwide, but at the same time is facing traditional challenges in the country itself. By the influence of the western companies and culture, people are more inclined to adopt their language and dressing ideas. These days in the urban Chinese sectors there are drastic changes marked in the way people live and the way they carry their lifestyle. Right from telecommunication to educational sector in China, there are diversified changes. These changes are though good for the country in creating economic powers, yet is a real threat to the cultural and traditional format of the country. The new generation is getting more involved in the current westernised trends and are getting closer to western music, dance, dresses, education, telecommunication, gadgets and choices. It is a responsibility of the population to consider these changes in positive way, yet it is also their duty to get hold of their culture, without which China will losses its historical entity and nobody will bother much about its ethnological identity. The core concern of this paper is also to create awareness about the possibilities of pushing the Chinese traditional culture into darkness by ignoring its relevance in the modern socio-economic trends. It is important that people start getting aware of their roots and lay emphasis on managing their cultural trends along with the changing edges.
Alon, Ilan, ed. (2003), Chinese Culture, Organizational Behavior, and International Business Management, Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers.
Denzinn, Norman K. and Lincoln, Yvonna S. (edts. 2007)Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials. Sage Publications, Inc; 3rd edition
Haley, George T. Haley, Usha C.V. and Tan, Chin Tiong ( 2009) New Asian Emperors: The Business Strategies of the Overseas Chinese. Wiley
McAnany, Emile G. and Wilkinson, Kenton T. (edts. 1997) Mass Media and Free Trade: NAFTA and the Cultural Industries. University of Texas Press
Mente, Boye De. (2000). The Chinese Have a Word for it: The Complete Guide to Chinese thought and Culture. McGraw-Hill Professional.
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