Christians vs. Muslims
Christians vs. Muslims
Being born in a Muslim family, I never realized what it feels to be a Muslim until when I grew up and came to face the reality one on one. My mother comes from a Christian family while my dad is a staunch Muslim. When the two got married, my mother was forced by circumstances to change her religion to my father’s. This automatically meant that their children were expected to take after them. As fate would have it, I happened to be one of the children and therefore a Muslim since I came to this world. Over time, I have come to realize that there exist so many diversities between these two groups of denominations.
To begin with, Muslims unlike Christians believe in Muhammad as the true prophet from God himself. They hold on to a belief that, whatever he said was the exact words of God and that no other person was sent by Allah as this is in records and can be proved. The words by God are in this case referred to as Quran. The Muslim faithful believe that, whatever is found in the New Testament is a replica of the original Hadith from one of their own, Muhammad. This has brought many speculations between the two groups because Muslim continues to maintain that their Quran is the original word from God which has never been tampered with and therefore is original. The two testaments, as called by Christians are relatively different from the true word of God. On the other hand, Christians hold a different view. God sent his only son Jesus Christ to save mankind. It is while in his mission on earth, that his disciples compiled the New Testament. The Old Testament was only meant to prophecy the coming of Jesus who in this case is not Muhammad.
Finally, Muslims don’t encourage the mixing of boys and girls while Christians don’t see any harm in that. Due to this and so many other differences between Muslims and Christians, I have always found it very difficult to relate with my peers as most of the things they engage in are prohibited in my religion. From prayers to eating habits besides relationships I have always found myself not fitting in the social groups. This has affected me so badly and I feel shortchanged by my family. It hurts so much when my friends are making fun of my religion as most of them are Christians anyway. All in all, I must say all is not lost as most of my friends are struggling with alcohol addiction which to me has only remained a vocabulary as it is a crime for a Muslim to take alcohol!
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